Do you want to check the fuel consumption of your vehicles?

Here is a smart, efficient and low-cost way to do it – the smart Fleeteco Fuel Audit and Management System which enables supervisors and managers (of vehicles and machinery fleet) to easily and efficiently monitor the fuel consumption data of each vehicle and machinery.

Fleeteco generates comprehensive reports so that you can compare fuel consumption and consumption indexes (fuel efficiency). This helps managers set clear performance targets for drivers and department managers.

With Fleeteco, fuel consumption monitoring can be done through reports that helps managers understand how fuel is consumed by every vehicle

We know fuel is one of the biggest expenses of every Vehicle Fleet as hundreds of refueling happen every month. Your organization must have worked hard to implement the correct fuel management system for vehicle fleet and machinery. You have chosen a suitable fuel card provider and negotiated well to get a good rebate from your fuel supplier. However, fuel management needs a lot more to be a success. A successful fuel management program requires a suitable checking/auditing system. At least one monthly fuel consumption audit is necessary.

Because of "lack of time" and other "priorities" managers/supervisors, by-pass this duty.

Most fleet managers find it difficult to analyze their vehicles' refueling data, even though the suppliers send clear and detailed records. This may lead to mismanagement and no corrective measures will be adopted to improve the company overall fuel efficiency and control the fuel costs.



Fleeteco Fuel Management System is specially designed by experienced professionals and it provides every detail you would like to have to manage your vehicle and fuel consumption.


It comes with many advantages, some of which are as follows:
  • No capital expenditure needed to acquire it
  • Minimal monthly usage charge
  • Very few man hours needed for productive use of program

With Fleeteco, the supervision of fuel management can be done very easily through a laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Monitoring and analysis can be done through the comparison of the fuel consumption of the same vehicle at different time periods or with other vehicles of the same company.

This means that if a vehicle is charged with a fuel that was not consumed for any reason, this will clearly be reflected in the fuel consumption indexes (fuel efficiencies).

With Fleeteco specialized measurements and comparisons - drivers and all others involved, learn how to work towards the fuel efficiency of their vehicles.

Fuel Consumption Monitoring Through Measuring and Comparing:

It is a fact that anything that cannot be measured and compared with, cannot be analyzed and controlled. This philosophy is the very basis on which Fleeteco Fuel Management has been built. The numerous measurements and detailed reports provided by Fleeteco facilitate analysis and comparison and give substantial meaning to fuel audit and control. These measurements also give correct information that helps in taking right management decisions on issues beyond fuel consumption, like vehicle fleet renewal, vehicle maintenance etc., and leading to increased company profitability.